Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 2, Year : 2021
Article Page : 89-97
Madhumeha is a chronic disorder of origin with the vitiation of various body elements like and Diabetes mellitus is similar to which is a subtype of Here the patient voids excessive quantity of urine having concordance with with sweet taste.
Insulin and other oral hypoglycaemic drugs are associated with several side effects and they have limited role in preventing the complications like neuropathy, nephropathy, retinopathy etc. Hence an ideal therapy which corrects the basic pathology and prevents the progress of the disease and complications is the need of time. So The explained in Ayurveda seems to be an appropriate solution for the treatment of Prameha.
Aacharya Charaka and Sushruta has advised for here accumulate in the lower part of the body owing to the incompetence of the The major factor involved in the of are the in general and in particular hence to remove the and to eliminate the from nearest root is best. is best to improve Agni and is the best treatment to correct Vata.
The present clinical study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of Virechana karma and Basti karma in 90 patients (equally distributed in three group) of diagnosed case of Madhumeha for periods of 3 month. Group comparison was done by ANNOVA test showed that the Virechana was found better to reduce FBS and PPP Basti was found better to reduce PPBS
Keywords: Virechana (Purgative therepy), Basti (Medicated ayurvedic enema), Prameha/Madhumeha (Diabetes), Samshodhana Chikitsa, Tridosha, Agni, Meda, Kleda.
How to cite : Pandey R K, Bhatted S K, A comparative clinical study on the effect of virechana karma and panchtikta pancha prashritika basti karma in the management of prameha w.s.r. to type ii diabetes. J Prev Med Holist Health 2021;7(2):89-97
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Received : 17-06-2021
Accepted : 28-06-2021
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