Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 1, Year : 2022
Article Page : 21-24
People from age groups 16–22 years old show the highest inclination towards smoking which places colleges and universities in the unique position to employ restrictive methods to create a smoke-free campusand also impart youth towards tobacco-free lifestyle. The present study was conducted through a survey-based questionnaire to assess the prevalence, knowledge, attitude, behavior, and interpersonal factors related to the use of tobacco among university students.
Keywords: Smoking, Professional college students, Risk factor
How to cite : Soni T, Bhateja S, Arora G, Bhagat A, Smoking among professional college students: Consumption and risk factors. J Prev Med Holist Health 2022;8(1):21-24
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Received : 19-04-2022
Accepted : 25-04-2022
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