Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 10, Issue : 1, Year : 2024
Article Page : 28-30
Introduction: The utilization of percussion theory with the help of (hand held massager or prominently known as hand gun) has become progressively well known as of late. In spite of the fact that their utilization is increasingly normal, both in a clinical and sports setting, there is still little data to direct the experts. This survey planned to decide the impacts of percussion therapy in as pre-and post-action or part of a treatment.
Materials and Methods: Information sources utilized were Pub Med, PEDro, Scopus, Claviate, Medline, Web of Science and Google Researcher. At first, 170 records were screened, out of which 16 could be incorporated with considerate inclusion and exclusion criteria. Fifteen had a moderate gamble of predisposition and one a high gamble of inclination.
Conclusion: In strength, balance, speed increase, endurance, it either didn't have upgrades or it even showed a decline in execution. In the recuperation related results, percussion gun were demonstrated to be practical instruments for firmness decrease.
Keywords: Massage gun, Execution, Recuperation, Perussion therapy
How to cite : Kumari V V M, Kauser M S, Prasanna G V, Effect of Percussion and vibration therapy in Musculoskeletal disorders: A short review. J Prev Med Holist Health 2024;10(1):28-30
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Received : 14-10-2024
Accepted : 30-05-2024
Viewed: 846
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