Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 1, Year : 2017
Article Page : 6-9
Introduction: Burns are one of the leading causes of disability adjusted life years lost in low and middle income countries. The risk factors include gender, age, socio-economic conditions, occupational exposure, chronic disease, alcohol and smoking abuse, use of kerosene as fuel etc.
Materials and Method: A descriptive observational study with cross sectional study design was conducted among burn patients admitted in burn units of IPGME&R, Sambhunath Pandit Hospital and M. R. Bangur Hospital of Kolkata during 2016.
Result: It was seen that burn injuries were more prevalent in the age group "0-10" years (30%), females (60%), Hindus (78%) and people residing in rural areas (52.6%). More than 60% of the burn incidents had occurred either during morning or afternoon and the mostly in the kitchen (60.3%). Almost 95% of the cases were due to accidents. Bursting of kerosene stove (31%) emerged as the most prevalent cause of burn accidents. Anatomically Superior (65%) and inferior (67.9%) extremities were the most affected areas. The mean (±SD) TBSA affected by burn was 33.63 (13.43). On regression it was found that the total body surface area affected by burn was significantly associated with residence, marital status and socio-economic status of the study population.
Conclusion: Health and safety education need to be dispersed among people. Low cost safer alternatives should be developed and LPG use should be encouraged.
Keywords: Thermal burn, Kitchen, Accident, Kerosene stove, TBSA
How to cite : Dutta S, Abhishek De, Chattopadhyay S, Basu M, Misra R, Socio-clinical profile of burn patients: An experience from a tertiary care center in West Bengal. J Prev Med Holist Health 2017;3(1):6-9
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