Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 1, Year : 2017
Article Page : 31-36
Introduction: India estimates third highest number of HIV infections in the world, with about 2.4 million people currently living with HIV/AIDS. Adolescents often face a significant barrier to get the in-formation, education and services required. Discussing reproductive and sexual matter freely is still a taboo in our society. Present study was designed to investigate current awareness and knowledge levels of pre university students about human immunodeficiency virus/ acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) transmission, misconcepts, prevention and attitude of students towards patients living with HIV/ AIDS.
Materials and Method: Totally 478 students were participated and were asked to fill out a structured questionnaire form which was consisted with 42 questions. The form contained two scales, one of socio-demographical profile of the individuals and the other scale was about knowledge and attitude levels of students.
Results: Findings show that overall general knowledge regarding HIV/AIDS transmission routes (60%), prevention (28.87%) and treatment (59.6%) was good among the study participants. Physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology (PCMB) student’s knowledge regarding transmission, prevention, and attitude towards the People living with HIV/ AIDS (PLHA) was better compared to Physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science (PCMCS) and Commerce students (p value <0.01).
Conclusion: Knowledge on modes of transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS is poor among pre university students. And biology students had better knowledge; hence the reproductive health education should be a part of curriculum in all schools, so that all learn before they are diverged into different study subjects for degree/ colleges. Public awareness programs should be directed to society.
Keywords: Pre university students, Knowledge levels, Human immunodeficiency virus/ acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS)
How to cite : Neeta Pn, Sandeep S, Sanjay Kr, Raaghu K, Ranjith K, A study on the knowledge and attitude towards HIV/AIDS among pre-university students. J Prev Med Holist Health 2017;3(1):31-36
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