Association between burnout & sleep quality among physicians working in primary health care centers under ministry of health, Jeddah 2019

Author Details : Lama Almostadi, Aseel Alghanemi*, Amal H. Alghamdi, Hassan Bin Usman Shah

Volume : 5, Issue : 1, Year : 2019

Article Page : 20-26

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Introduction: Physician’s multiple struggles with time and prolonged stress, in addition to poor sleep would lead to physical and emotional exhaustion. Therefore, physician’s burnout occurs; consequently their performance, judgment and ability to conduct a proper patient care will be affected. The current study aimed at enhancing the quality of care provided to the patients by assessing the relationship between burnout & sleep quality among physicians working in Primary health care centers (PHCC) under Saudi ministry of health, Jeddah 2019.
Materials and Methods: Through a cross-sectional design, a representative sample of 229 of physicians working at primary health care centers were randomly selected to answer two Self-administered validated questionnaire, Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) to evaluate the sleep quality over a one-month period and Maslach burnout Inventory (MBI) to assess the overall of burnout. Chi-square analysis and univariate regression analysis were performed using statistical package for the social science (SPSS version 23).
Results: Overall, a moderate to high burnout scores in the present study was seen among 37.2% physicians, Depersonalization was noted in 89.1%, Emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment was (67,2% and 42, 1%) respectively. Regression analysis showed being a resident, having specific PHCC administrative tasks, few available doctors (less than 5), and high patients load in OPD per day (OR= 1.06, p<0 OR=1.93, p=0.059) xss=removed xss=removed OR=2.77, p=0.035).> Conclusion: More than one-third of the physicians working at Jeddah PHCCs had moderate to high burnout score with sleep disturbance. Several factors like increasing number of doctors, limiting additional workload and improving the facilities need to be addressed to decrease burnout level among physicians. This will ultimately improve the patient care.

Keywords: Burnout, Exhaustion, Family physician, Insomnia, Sleep.

How to cite : Almostadi L, Alghanemi A, Alghamdi A H, Shah H B U, Association between burnout & sleep quality among physicians working in primary health care centers under ministry of health, Jeddah 2019. J Prev Med Holist Health 2019;5(1):20-26

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