Get Permission Revathi, Janani, and Nanduri: Successful healing treatment of Hypothyroidism using Integrated Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) healing approach as complementary medicine: Case reports


Hypothyroidism is an endocrine ailment caused by an underactive Thyroid gland that does not make enough Thyroid hormone to keep the body maintain its normal balance.1 Some common causes of hypothyroidism are autoimmune disease, surgical removal of the Thyroid, and radiation treatment. Usual symptoms are fatigue, constipation, cold intolerance, lethargy, depression, and menstrual irregularities which should be monitored because fluctuations in metabolic rate are exhibited by changes in blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature.

Studies show that clinical hypothyroidism (TSH>10 mIU/ml) is seen in around one-tenth of Indian patients with type 2 diabetes. Subclinical hypothyroidism (TSH 5-10 mIU/ml), is found in another 5 percent of patients.2 Both type 2 diabetes and hypothyroidism are highly prevalent disorders in the community. Studies show that a significant proportion of type 2 diabetes patients suffer from clinical or subclinical hypothyroidism and screening for the same is advised.2 The thyroid gland produces two thyroid hormones, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), which regulate how the body uses and stores energy, sometimes called “metabolism.”3

Parts of endocrine system and its functions

The endocrine framework produces and releases hormones that control moods, growth and development, metabolism, organs, and reproduction. It facilitates controlled release of hormones into bloodstream enabling them to travel to other regions of the body.4 The endocrine system consists of glands such as hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and pineal gland that are situated in human brain. The thyroid and parathyroid glands are in the neck. The thymus gland is between the lungs, the adrenals are on top of kidneys, and the pancreas is behind the stomach. The ovaries (of a woman) or testes (of a man) are in the pelvic region.4

The main function of the Hypothalmus gland is to signal the pituitary gland to start or stop producing hormones. It connects the endocrine system with the nervous system. The Pituitary gland, known as the master gland of the endocrine system, uses signals it gets from brain to pass on to other glands in the body about what to do. It produces several important hormones, including growth hormone, prolactin, which helps breastfeeding mothers make milk; and luteinizing hormone, which manages estrogen in women and testosterone in men. Pineal gland produces a helpful chemical called melatonin to prepare human body to sleep.

If this gland doesn't make enough hormone, everything happens more slowly. As a result, the heart rate might slow down, cause constipation and might also cause weight gain. If it makes too much hormone (hyperthyroidism), everything speeds up, heart might race and one could have diarrhoea. And one might lose weight. Parathyroid are a set of four small glands behind thyroid, and play a role in bone health. These glands control one’s levels of calcium and phosphorus. Thymus gland makes white blood cells called T-lymphocytes that fight infection and are crucial as a child's immune system develops. The thymus starts to shrink after puberty. Adrenals, best known for making the "fight or flight" hormone adrenaline (also called epinephrine), these two glands also make hormones called corticosteroids. They affect body’s metabolism and sexual function, among other things. Pancreas organ is part of both digestive and endocrine systems. It makes digestive enzymes that break down food and also makes the hormones insulin and glucagon to ensure the body has the right amount of sugar in bloodstream and cells. If it does not make insulin, which is the case for people with type 1 diabetes, the blood sugar levels can get dangerously high. In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas usually makes some insulin but not enough. Ovaries in women, are organs that make estrogen and progesterone hormones to help develop breasts at puberty, regulate the menstrual cycle, and support a pregnancy. Testes in men make testosterone that helps them grow facial and body hair at puberty, triggers the penis to grow larger and plays a role in making sperm.4

Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV)

It has been observed that Yoga Prana Vidya TM (YPV©) which is a non-touch non-drug bio-energy healing method has been used successfully to heal patients having diabetes and difficult and multiple medical conditions.5, 6, 7, 8 Though experience shows that yoga may have a role in revitalizing thyroid function there are few empirical studies on the effects of yoga on thyroid disorders.9 Singh et al. (2010) studied and concluded noticeable impact of Yoga on hypothyroidism of women.10 A study by Nilakanthan et al (2016) of six months of yoga practice on women participants (1 hour daily for 4 days a week) showed significant reduction in total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and triglycerides, a significant improvement in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) along with reduction in TSH level and significant reduction in thyroxin medication.11 Bhavanani (2011) concluded that after one year of yoga therapy, there was a fall in TSH (2.66 mIU/L) and a normalization of free T4 values (8.98pmol/L).9 A third biochemical analysis three months later showed that TSH further stabilized 2mIU/L and FT4 at 9.78 pmol/L.

Encouraged by the results of an analysis and review of the YPV case summaries presented in Table 1 (see Annexure) and considerable field experience gained in YPV healing and monitoring the patients, the authors are presenting two cases (one female and one male) in this case report as examples of how Hypothyroidism was successfully healed by Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) as complementary medicine.

Yoga Prana Vidya is an integrated and holistic in approach. It integrates a set of simple physical exercises, fruit and saltless vegetarian diet, Rhythmic Yogic Breathing (RYB), Superbrain Asana (SBA) and meditation. YPV is Holistic in the sense that the practice of integrated YPV enables addressing various ailments in the body at the same time. The practice of YPV helps as preventive action for those who have normal health and aim to keep healthy and fit through aging.12

Various holistic healing systems have existed in various ages.13 Depending on the prevalent maladies and social customs, these have been adapted to relieve the masses at large from simple pains to more psychological and chronic ailments.14 Yoga Prana Vidya postulates that for cure one must tackle the root cause, including working towards one’s character-building and emotional maturity. The founders of YPV have systemized “Prana” concepts and formulated a series of comprehensive documented techniques to transmit its healing techniques to a learner, who will then be able to provide relief to the clients/patients.15, 16

Yoga Prana Vidya is not intended to replace the systems like Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, and Allopathy etc. It works complementary to these systems to enhance the natural healing power within our bodies to heal at a faster rate with remarkable effect. YPV primarily involves the healing of the Energy Body which interpenetrates and extends beyond the Physical Body by several inches. The Energy Body is referred to as the Pranamaya Kosha in Sanskrit, Etheric Double in Theosophy and Bio-Plasmic Body by Modern Science. Thus, YPV is an ancient science that has been rearranged in a way that would be relevant and easy to grasp for a present day learner. It is relevant as most modern ailments are considered psychosomatic and YPV addresses this very well through its techniques of psychological healing also besides physical healing.

The energy concepts of YPV

The human energy body consists of an inner aura surrounding the physical body. The inner aura is like a mould around the physical body. Surrounding the inner aura is the outer aura. Health rays connect the inner and outer auras as shown in Figure 1. A healthy person’s aura does not indicate any defects, with straight health rays.

Figure 1

Energy body of a healthy person

Figure 2

Energy body of a sick person

Figure 2 shows the Energy body of a sick person. In this Figure 2 we notice that the health rays are entangled or twisted, inner aura is smaller and is dull, indicative of heavy diseased energy. There are also holes and cracks in the outer aura. These defects can be observed by scanning with hands by a trained and skilled healer. The picture of aura can also be scientifically captured using a GDV (Gas discharge Vision) camera.

Energy body’s relationship with physical body

. The energy body acts as a shield protecting the physical body. Therefore, the system of YPV consists of cleansing and energising the energy body which in turn ensures that the physical body is healthy. When a disease strikes, it first strikes the energy body and, if that is weak, the disease passes on to the physical body

Chakrams or energy centres

As shown in Figure 3, there are eleven Chakrams (wheels) or energy Centres which keep rotating and distributing energy to various parts of the body through meridians or channels. These eleven chakrams actively control various body functions, organs and nervous system. Each one of the Chakrams has an assigned task/duty to take care of an important aspect of human body.

Figure 3

Chakrams or Energy Centres

The science of healing process

Basis of Healing is in the principle that body has an ability to heal or normalize itself. Increasing the energy level accelerates the healing process. Energy follows thought. Therefore, the intention of the healer directs and facilitates the flow of energy, by receiving and sending Prana/ energy to the person being healed. Also receptivity or willingness of the patient makes him or her to absorb the energy easily and facilitates the healing process.

Healing types –individual, group, distant, Self-healing

In individual healing, a trained healer heals the patient while in face to face position. When the patient is at a distance from the healer, like in a different town, a trained healer can perform distance healing to the patient. Group healing is given to the entire group of people who participate in the group session. A trained healer can heal himself or herself through practice.

Safety features

YPV is totally a safe process, as there is no drug nor any physical touch between the healer and the patient.12 The training of healers is conducted by qualified trainers and the entire process of healing is a safe and secure method without any side-effects to the patient or the participant.

Application areas of YPV

YPV is applied to heal a wide range of physical and psychological ailments of people through energy healing process and some simple techniques for self-practice. Also, it is proven to enhance academic performance of students. Some mental health conditions that YPV can heal are, Anxiety, Fear, Stress, Depression, Lack of self-esteem, Lack of self-confidence, addictions, relationship issues etc.

The ingredients of YPV practice

YPV practice consists of simple physical exercises, Rhythmic yogic breathing, Forgiveness Sadhana, Planetary peace meditation, Specified diet, and healing protocols.

The endocrine system in Yoga Prana Vidya

The Ajna chakra controls the endocrine system. This chakra controls and energises the pituitary gland. The Crown and Forehead chakras control and energise the pineal gland. The Throat chakra controls and energises the thyroid and parathyroid glands. The Heart chakra controls and energises the thymus gland. The Solar plexus chakra controls and energises the pancreas. The Sex chakra controls and energises the gonads. The Throat chakra also affects the gonads. The Meng mein and Basic chakras control and energise the adrenal glands. The Solar plexus chakra affects the Meng mein and Basic chakras; therefore it also affects the adrenal glands.

The Heart chakra and thymus gland help the Ajna chakra regulate and harmonise the upper major and minor chakras and their corresponding organs. The upper chakras are those above the Solar plexus chakra. The navel chakra indirectly helps the ajna chakra regulate the lower major and minor chakras and their corresponding organs. The lower chakras are the Meng mein chakra, Sex chakra, Basic chakra and the lower minor chakras.

The organs having minor chakras are: pineal gland; pituitary gland; thyroid gland’s left and right one each; parathyroid glands with four mini chakras; thymus gland’s left and right one each, with corresponding mini chakras; pancreas with minor chakra and two mini chakras on its top; adrenal gland’s left and right one each; one each on left and right testes; ovaries (in case of women) one each on left and right.

YPV Healing

The Throat chakra controls and energises the thyroid and parathyroid glands. A dirty and congested Solar plexus chakra affects Throat chakra, and also the Ajna chakra is partially affected. The healer would scan these chakras and normalize their functionality over a healing intervention of several sessions, spread over two to three weeks. The healer would choose to heal and normalise the network of major chakras appropriately, so that the corresponding glands get regulated and release of hormones will be appropriate to stabilise the thyroid condition.

If the patient has pancreatic diabetes too, healing procedures would holistically address both these issues. Besides healer’s work of healing, the patient needs to do regular self-practice of some specified self-practice techniques, for sustained results. Experience shows that YPV has proven complementary role in the treatment of these ailments alongside Allopathy medications with reduced or discontinued medications. Table 1 shows typical examples of the cases with improvements for thyroid patients achieved by means of YPV healing. Given below are two detailed cases illustrating the results obtained in controlling thyroid condition.

Table 1

Case summaries – typical examples

S. No Case reference Patient condition before YPV Intervention Details of healings done Result after YPV healing
1 YPVS/THY / 2016/009 Female aged 26, Working as Accountant, lives in Hassan, Karnataka TSH=11.04(23/01/2016), general weakness, leg pain, irritation, stress 10 days TSH=7.37 (16/02/2016) Patient felt healthy, peace, light and calm.
2 YPVS/THY / 2015/010 Female aged 57, House wife, lives in Nanjangud, Karnataka TSH=6.34 (15-10-2015) Hair loss, obesity 20 days TSH= 5.26 (12-12-2015), no hair loss, obesity reduced.
3 YPVS/THY / 2016/003 Female, aged 70, House wife, lives in Mysore, Karnataka Hypothyroidism TSH= 2.13 (05/02/2016), knee pain (TSH is in range with medication) 15 days TSH=1.28 (07/08/2016) Knee pain reduced completely, stopped taking tablets for reducing pain, and could climb steps
4 YPVS/THY / 2016/004 Female, aged 45, YPV Healer, lives in Bangalore, Karnataka TSH=9.97, Weakness (15/10/2016) 5 days TSH=8.72(NO Medicine), no weakness (22/11/2016)
5 YPVS/THY/ 2017/002 Female, aged 22, Student, Lives in Mangalore, Karnataka Hypothyroidism TSH=10.50(13/03/2017) 20 days TSH=2.17 (01/05/2017)
6 YPVS/THY/ 2017/012 Male, aged 54, Govt. Official, Location Virajpet, Karnataka TSH=5.23 (12/06/2017), headache 5 days TSH=4.71(08/09/2017), no headache
7 YPVS/THY/ 2018/005 Female, aged 39, House wife, lives in Hassan, Karnataka TSH=5.97 (10/02/2018), Gastric problem, stress 20days TSH=1.68 (11/03/2018, gastric and stress completely healed
8 YPVS/THY/ 2015/008 Female, aged 30, Work status Tailor, Location in Hassan, Karnataka TSH=10.53(20/07./2015), pain in neck region 4 days TSH=7.94 (05/10/2015, neck pain reduced by 90%
9 YPVS/THY/ 2018/006 Female, aged 33, Work status = House wife Location = Hassan, Karnataka TSH=6.910 (27/12/2017) 10 days TSH=2.01 (15/02/2018)
10 YPVS/THY/ 2016/001 Female, aged 45, Working Bank officer, Location Mysore, Karnataka Thyroid with medication 100mcg 5 sessions Medication reduced to 75 mcg
11 YPVS/THY/ 2016/015 Female, aged 45, House wife, lives in Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh TSH=8.99 (13/02/2016) 30 sessions TSH=2.01 20/04/2017
12 YPVS/THY/ 2017/013 Female, aged 52, House wife, lives in Virajpet, Karnataka TSH= 8.31(12/06/2017) 10 days TSH=5.90 (07/09/2017)
13 YPVS/THY/ 2017/014 Male, aged 44, Software Engineer, Location Houston, USA. TSH=6.80 23/12/2016 Multiple healings TSH=0.52 12/07/2017

Case Reports

Case report 1

Patient information

A 49 years aged female had been suffering from hypothyroid for over previous 10 years. The symptoms experienced by her were: tiredness, exhaustion, general lack of interest in daily chores, lack of sufficient sleep. In the mornings she was doing some relaxation exercises, Suryanamaskara and some yoga asanas.

Pre YPV medical status

She had to wear a waist belt for relief from body pains. Lab test done during February, 2019 showed TSH value 9.084 uiu/ml (against normal of 0.25 to 5.00), medication prescribed was Thyronorm 75mcg. Blood sugar and blood pressure levels were normal.

YPV healing & self-practice

A senior healer gave HDP-L1 Healing for holistically healing her multiple conditions. On her part, the patient was taking a walk daily in the evenings, followed by practicing Rhythmic Yogic breathing (RYB), Planetary Peace Meditation (PPM), forgiveness Sadhana and 25 to 30 jumpings to avoid energy congestion in the energy body.

Post YPV medical status

Lab test report after a month, in March, 2019 showed TSH value of 0.987 uiu/ml. Thyronorm reduced to 0.50 mcg. She was feeling fresh after meditation. Body pains reduced and there was no need for the waist belt she was wearing.

Case report 2

Patient information

A 59 years old male had been suffering from hypothyroid for the previous 5 years. He was also mentally depressed because of business failure and closedown. He had also experienced sleeplessness.

Pre-YPV medical status

He was diagnosed of Hypothyroid during November, 2018, when his lab report showed TSH 12.054 uiu/ml against normal acceptable range of 0.2 to 8.5 uiu/ml). He was prescribed with medication of Thyronorm 100mcg. His hearing ability was also slightly impaired.

YPV healing & self-practice

He was given HDP-L1 Healing by a senior healer and he participated in planetary peace meditation (PPM) with exercises before and after meditation for one month.

Post-YPV medical and other conditions

Lab reports showed that his TSH level was 3.477 against reference of 0.2 to 8.5 uiu/ml. From then on, his Thyronorm was reduced from 100 to 75 mcg. Other improvement he experienced was in respect of his hearing ability. He had also experienced an improvement in his depressive state of mind. He could sleep 8 hrs, comfortably and peacefully.


In adults, untreated hypothyroidism leads to poor mental and physical performance, and can cause high blood cholesterol levels that can lead to heart disease. Also, a life-threatening condition called myxedema coma can develop with severe untreated hypothyroidism. A significant number of women in India are suffering from hypothyroidism.4 Diagnosis of hypothyroidism is especially important in pregnancy to ensure delivery of a healthy baby. Routine testing of all babies at birth identifies those with hypothyroidism. If not treated, a child could have mental slowness, retardation, or fail to grow normally.

It is observed in this case report that, the YPV system worked well in normalising thyroid condition of the patients. It shows that YPV Healing is a non-invasive and non-touch, no-drug system which is effective for a receptive patient in treatment of this ailment through the evidence shown. The case results are in alignment with similar findings cited.9, 10, 11 In most cases of YPV healing, the patients get empowered to maintain themselves subsequently. Many of them even learn and become effective healers themselves.


This case report documents the evidence gathered on the effective use of YPV in healing hypothyroid and other comorbid conditions as a complementary medicine. The general conditions under which YPV produces optimum results holistically is also derived from the fact that YPV uses a combination of approaches,1 physical exercises including rhythmic yogic breathing,2 Salt free diet; fruit diet, and3 Meditation techniques, and4 healing by healers, group healing, self-healing by patients, and regular self-practice by patients. In course of time, these patients have also become trained healers, practice healing and act as role model for other people with several ailments seeking alternative effective medicine. YPV helps as preventive medicine also, when the seekers are receptive and undertake regular practices of the self-practice techniques of YPV such as exercises, Rhythmic breathing, meditation and salt-free controlled diet. It can be concluded that yoga Prana Vidya System is valuable in helping the hypothyroid patients to manage their disease-related symptoms, and YPV may be considered as supportive or complementary therapy in conjunction with medical therapy for the treatment of hypothyroid disorder.

Source of Funding


Conflict of Interest



The authors express sincere thanks to Sri Ramana Trust for giving permission to use their copyright terms, Yoga Prana VidyaTM and YPV©, and also for allowing them to use the patient medical reports and data in this report.



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